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Showing posts from August, 2016
 To My Little Young Man Dear Son The world is wild and rough. The world is running, Angry and Mad.  Angry for what?  We don't know.Everyone is running their own race and compelling you too, to run along. Everyone is racing and if given a chance ready to pounce,pounce on you. Wait....Before you start running.Stop and look around......  Is this really what you want to do? Do you want to run their race? ...? Don't Worry! Relax!  If everyone is racing ,doesn't mean you should start running too. The world is angry,it doesn't give you a reason to be angry or mad at them.Keep your cool. Don't let the world know that you find their actions confusing or sometimes amusing,as it will add fuel to their fury. The world is hasty and judgmental,but it does not mean that you need to judge everyone who comes along. Please don't do what they are doing.If someone shouts at you,please don't shout back. I know you will not speak back,but p...