Bloody Hanker Sore………………….
Sore badly sore…….I got the word for it also…It’s Hanker Sore…..
I am Hanker sored!
The massive frustration, that you can burst your bust with the knowledge
that you are out of the market now.
Married and with a child too…………….
How dare you even imagine someone let alone see and marvel
That fab fool in gym flexing his muscles, the biker who just
vroomed past my car teasing me or that dandy dancer at the party who matched my
energy on the bhangra beats; ah…..I am forgetting that photographer with his
DSLR who reminded me that traveler in me is sleeping for too long. How can they…have
it all and making me feel rotten ,stuck ,Claus trophic ,jammed, webbed and
trapped…oh no no no….they left me hanker sored.
I am daring type and have good eyes, that’s not my fault. I am genuine and have
good inter personal skills .Smiling comes instinctively to me as I see someone .But
it has its handicaps too. What if that the cutie on the other side smiled too, it
can bleed you badly to the point that you are almost dead and not dead yet.
Such a typhoon of emotions ; that you need pages and pages to
describe it and we had one word for it in the dictionary all this long. What a
shame! Not fair…….Oh No….Hanker SoredJ
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