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Adaptability for Post Pandemic Careers


The new normal post, Covid 19 is evolving. The work, business, economy; all are transformed. Social connection while maintaining social distancing became the key phrase. Remote and hybrid work, shortening of the supply chains, more local for local, regional for regional is the new usual. Structural changes in the business demand rapid transformation of the skills required to equip new job roles. VUCA discussions have been calling for new skills adaption in leadership but the new normal post covid 19 asks for changes at the graduate level for employability.

This has far-reaching implications for higher education in general, and academic advising in particular, because it promises to provide the new paradigm necessary to provoke the paradigm shift of integrating career advising and academic advising called for by Hughey and Hughey in NACADA’s Handbook of Career Advising. The expectation for a lifelong career is no longer realistic because the nature and pace of change in the workplace are so rapid and unpredictable that no curriculum can provide students with all of the skills and special knowledge, they will need to be employable throughout their working lifetime.

Generation Z who will be entering the workforce from 2021 will be requiring an entirely overhauled set of skills. They differ because of their experiences, economics, values, attitudes, historical events and new Heroes. Personal values and Attitudes developed in the worldview experiences of the COVID 19 period will define individuals’ response to the ever-changing scape of the VUCA world; consequently leading to career adaptability and career sustainability. 

Mindsets, characteristics and experiences of Generation Z joining the workforce post-Pandemic are way distinguished than the previous generations. The academic curriculum for Generation Z needs to be transformed to enable learners to respond to the changes in the world of work that have resulted from hyper-connectivity. It emphasizes the twin aims of enhancing a persons’ career adaptability and helping them to become more sustainable, rather than linearly trying to find a job and remaining in one organization for their entire career-lives.

Digital platforms have become the lifeline of the world in the pandemic along with social media platforms and live streaming services. The adaptability to use these platforms for personal branding, building an executive presence and working on distant collaborative projects can lead the way to improved employability. As the new job roles are appearing and technical employees are supposed to perform multiple roles the myth between the tech and business roles is blurring. The interviewing for new roles will be virtual so the new ways of effectively presenting oneself need to be learnt. 

The Vulnerability, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity of the education system need to be curbed with thinking meta-strategically for paving way for innovation to build resilience and flexibility. Social support to build hope and a positive attitude along with professional training are single huge indicators of more career adaptability over the learning years. Career adaptability and positive youth development through academic overhauling anticipate an increase in the feeling of control and experience of life fulfilment.


Brown, D. B. (2010, June). The Power of Vulnerability. TEDx Houston. Houston: Tedx.

Chomsky, N. (2020, April 2). It’s time to teach children to understand the world. BBVA Podcast. https:/

Leigh S. Shaffer, J. M. (2011). Career Advising in a VUCA Environment. NACADA Journal, 64-74.

OECD. (2018). The fuTure of educaTion and skills Education 2030. OECD Publishers.


  1. For Meaningful and Successful career in any field , whether in Industries or Journalism or any other sector , Social connections are of prime importance. The Key executive has to connect with juniors & seniors , The Newspaper, TV, other media owner & their workers should have good social connectivity with their Readers/Viewers. Owing to Pandemic , maintaining social distancing can not be neglected. Therefore structural changes in the business are required transformation of skills. Whatever is taught in Degree/ Diploma courses by University/College is no longer useful for long period Whatever is taught in Degree/ Diploma courses by University/College is no longer useful for long period . No Curriculum can provide students with all of the skills & special knowledge, they will require to be in job throughout their working lifetime.
    Digital working knowledge has become utmost necessity to maintain employability.
    Whatever is taught in Degree/ Diploma courses by University/College is no longer useful for long period


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