Two decades ago when I visited a restaurant for the first
time with cousins, I didn’t know how to use my fork or where to place a serviette?
I never wanted to embarrass my cousin that he has brought his small town silly
baby sister to a plush place. But I managed the show just by imitating my
senior cousin. Not only a restaurant, I came out of many such fixing situations
where I never knew how to conduct myself, I just copied the people in front of
me with a smile on my face and a confident gaze.
So don’t think copying is bad, copying behavior to
learn things is primitive. An infant learns by copying its parents and people
around. A language is caught rather than taught by imitating. We work on our
skill sets by following an ideal or mentor. We pickup many a traits of ours; which
we like in our parents, friends and spouse subconsciously just by replicating
Same can be applied to an interview scenario, where you
are confused to choose what type of body language, tone of voice, gesture, facial
expressions and energy levels to portray a confident self; just copy the interviewer. This technique is called Mirroring.
Mirroring applies to body language, energy levels
and pace and volume as well. As soon as, you connect with your interviewer
using eye contact and triple nod while fronting the fellow; you can follow
his/her pace and volume. If the interviewer is soft, calm and relaxed meet them
on the same level and if the other side is loud; raise your volume. Imitating the
volume and pace is more effective than mimicking them on physical level. Avoid
overdoing physical mimicking or you will qualify for Ellen’s Mirror Moves, which
can land you in soup.
Initially Mirroring may look like a task .You need
to copy the other side consciously, connect with the interviewer and gradually
take it to sub conscious level. The hook is in staying calm and act confidently
till the end of the call.
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