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Let’s Learn from Movie Industry!

Mastering Interviews: Winging v/s Scripting
‘I like to be spontaneous and natural while answering questions. I cannot sham myself, I’ll rather like winging than faking.’ said a student of mine while discussing strategies for answering frequently asked interview questions. My take on this will be “it’s not faking .Its understanding yourself, planning, practicing and executing your thoughts in a way that they come out as credible and appropriate answers.”
The movie industry is the best example of penning, rehearsing and executing the scenes to deliver power packed performances. All the acts, situations and dialogues do not come naturally to the actors. They can’t just ‘wing it’ all the time. There is obviously a script with well written dialogues to be executed; to deliver a believable character on screen. Much practice, rehearsals and retakes are required to pull it all.
It’s strategic to script, memorize, practice and implement appropriate answers to key interview questions. But the script must be appropriate and credible. Practice, Practice and practice till the time it comes out as sincere answer.
Once you have prepared your answers, start role playing them with family and friends. When you reach to the point when your scripted answers are coming out as ‘real’ to them, you are well on the road to success. Dress for the part, practice, rehearse, retake, more practice and execute to sound believable and genuine.


  1. Very well said Ma'am. Thank You for the advice. Hope I manage to implement the "Practice! Practice! Practice!"

  2. The content has some very important teaching as "How much we practice,the same amount of effort on skills get polished output"
    Thanks mam for this ideal advice

  3. The content has some very important teaching as "How much we practice,the same amount of effort on skills get polished output"
    Thanks mam for this ideal advice


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