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life is more about detours.....

You will be there..... I mean it!
Life may not follow the map you draw to reach your destination but you will be there,All in Time.
The worst things in life turns out to be best!

Bracing the detours....Misses are important than hits,all that matters is staying true to yourself.
No matter what the crowd does or say....just keep playing. It took me 13 years to realize what I meant to be or to do. If telling my story can help others I am here to share. Getting married and having a child immediately after I graduated derailed me from my path of ambition and career. I never was keen on a job.A born entrepreneur failed and gave up too soon on my business.When I joined the workforce I was 6 years behind my contemporaries,but I was happy to be working.I slogged with a smile, kept on learning and picking new skills on my way.

In college I was never sure of what I wanted to do, I just wanted to be successful. In which domain?which industry?..It was not known. On my journey people told me what I am good at. They showed me my strengths. Pitfalls taught me about my weaknesses, but I kept walking.Lightening struck after thirteen years while doing an activity in my class that this is what I love and This is what I meant to be...A Teacher,a coach ,a mentor and trainer.

Things you need to be on track:
Keep the love lamp glowing in your heart.Passion is what will keep you pushing no matter how much you want to quit.

Being scared is okay,still go for the ride.Its like a roller coaster,after first few minutes,you will start enjoying your ride.

Keep learning.True happiness comes from accepting the life as it is; not the way you want it to be.
Live every moment. Learning to love ,learning to lose, learning to live, learning to be happy with yourself,learning to be.

My best lessons which I share today proudly in my training sessions have come from my detours and roadblocks.So cut the chase ,trust the grace.


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