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Humour –The Humane Religion

From the ancient Vedic sages to modern religious thinkers, each stress on avoiding sins to be liberated from the cycles of births and rebirths, or they propose abstinence from bad deeds to avoid Hell. Mankind has always been scared by the concept of hell, punishment or Satan by our religions in order to be disciplined and regulated. Some new religions and Zen philosophies propagate the path of moderation-neither to be happy nor sad.

Why we need all the negativity to keep people structured and synchronized with societal norms? Why a stick is always used to control the herd? Why can’t we stress on doing more kind deeds, smiling and laughing with fellow citizens to bring home harmony in society. Why can’t we use the carrots of sharing the positive deeds and attitude of understanding to develop a sense of achievement?

From the time immemorial the negative has been stressed instead of Positive. People need not to be Abstainers or Moderator in order to be happy and contended. They may focus on positive actions rather than being concerned about the judgments and perceptions of society. Perception seeks obviousness because our brains like uniformity and set patterns, being lazy.

 Perceptions need to be smashed, like a Humorist do. Perceptions are restraining and ego-centric whereas humour is promising. "Humor brings insight and tolerance. Irony brings a deeper and less friendly understanding" [Agnes Repplier In Pursuit of Laughter

Stand up Comedian Jeeveshu Ahluwalia creates humour out of his broken marriage and Amit Tondon created jokes from being a bored engineer in corporate boardroom.Facebook is his new muse.Whereas Ssumeir Pasricha created an icon pummy Aunty out of an everyday average Punjabi middle aged women.

Humour is looking at the same things in a different way. De Bono says ‘Humour is all about the possibility of changing perceptions. In humour we change perceptions and suddenly see the new perception make logical sense.’ Humour is the shift of attitude from certainty to ‘may be’ or a new possibility. Possibilities are doorway to hope and happiness.

Ability to make people laugh and to be able to laugh at oneself is a liberating positive act as it empowers you to not feel insulted or defeated as the world is trying to do so. Humour is an act of charity too as it helps others to diverge their thoughts from negativity and uplift the trodden mood. Humour is a direct way to happiness as it helps to focus on positive possibilities of a conventional situation.

Happiness should be a planned habit and humour is the only way to take it seriously. There will be lapses and troughs but you boom back by your planned positive actions. Happiness need to be practiced as a skill, more you practice, better you get on it.

Feeling stressed, overwhelmed, down hearted ……press your Humour button !


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